
abitsu.org Overview

Site Analysis report about abitsu.org. abitsu.org is rated 8,982,995 by Alexa. It is estimated to have 15 visitors every day. It's daily ads revenues are estimated to be N/A.
Updated 4478 dayes ago.


Title ABITSU - All Burma I.T Students' Union | Myanmar(Burma) News
Description ABITSU represents all the I.T Students who are struggling for Freedom and Human Rights within Burma. We stand against the Burmese Military Regime and work to remove the Military Dictatorship, to generate more I.T skilled personnel and build the infrastructure for a future democratic government of Burma. We also seek to obtain true freedom on the International Information High Way, and to get equal rights and opportunities for every nationality in Burma.
Keywords myanmar news, students, computer, notebook, desktop, myanmar model, burma, burma news, suu kyi, burma aid, birma, burma today, tetanus, myanmar, burmese, aung san suu kyi, myanmar burma, refugee burma, burmese refugee, burmese news, burma campaign, refugee camp thailand, myanmar info, burmatoday, refugees, myanmar travel, myanmar actress, travel to myanmar, burma myanmar, burma road, burma picture, student grants, students school, i.t student, student union.human rights organizations, human rights issues, human rights law, human rights act, human rights education, democracy and education, than shwe, yangon, rangoon, yangon rangoon, rangoon yangon, yangon hotels, mandalay, bagan, air bagan, computer training, computer based training, online computer training, computer training center, computer training courses, computer course, computer certificate, computer courses, computer certification, microsoft training, certification training, blogging, blog writing, submit blog, adsense blog


Traffic Rank 8,982,995
In Links 32
Daily visitors 15
Daily Pageview 30


Daily ads revenue N/A
Yearly ads revenue $87.00
Worth $280.00

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Search terms it students, myanmar nayphidaw, wept from day to night, general aung san, rangoon yearly magazine, it student, it union, free funeral burma, rfa north korea burma missiles, us opposition burma
Additional terms фишеыгющкп, цццюфишеыгющкп, фишеыг, qbitsu:org, zzz:qbitsu:org, qbitsu, שנןאדוץםרע, '''ץשנןאדוץםרע, שנןאדו, شلاهفسعزخقل, صصصزشلاهفسعزخقل, شلاهفسع

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