
Site Analysis report about is rated 8,933,748 by Alexa. It is estimated to have 3 visitors every day. It's daily ads revenues are estimated to be N/A.
Updated 3943 dayes ago.


Title Active Living Coalition for Older Adults - Coalition d'une vie active les ainé(e)s
Description ALCOA, a partnership of organizations and individuals having interest in the field of aging, encourages older Canadians to maintain and enhance their well-being and independence through a lifestyle that embraces daily physical activities.
Keywords ALCOA, active living, coalition, older adults, seniors, 55 plus, elderly, aging, fitness, exercise, physical activity, walking, active, lifestyle, well-being, health promotion, health, quality of life, prevention, recreation, gerontology, resources, non-profit, advocacy, IYOP, International Year of Older Persons, Forum, Guide, Benefits, independence, partnerships, collaboration, membership, national, blueprint, declaration


Traffic Rank 8,933,748
In Links 110
Daily visitors 3
Daily Pageview 11


Daily ads revenue N/A
Yearly ads revenue $8.00
Worth $26.00

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