
Site Analysis report about is rated 1,108,696 by Alexa. It is estimated to have 59 visitors every day. It's daily ads revenues are estimated to be N/A.
Updated 4019 dayes ago.


Title Cushing Academy: Learning at the Leading Edge. Outstanding college-prep program for boarding and day students in Ashburnham, Mass.
Description Private co-ed high school (day and boarding) offering a unique 21st-century education that equips students to succeed as leaders in today' transforming world.
Keywords The Cushing Academy, Cushing Academy, Cushing, CA, New England, Ashburnham, Massachusetts, small, coeducational boarding and day school, strong sense of community, Cushing Innovation Lab, rigorous academics, small classes, grades 9-12, postgraduate, strong AP program, advanced placement, internships, Ivy League college placement, summer programs, community of students and teachers, international students, teachers live on campus, low student-teacher ratio of 8:1, laptop, SMART classrooms, fully networked campus, Boston, Student Center, Kindle, Oxford, eLibrary, digital library, SMART Boards, iPad, basketball, football, hockey, performing arts, academic support, ESL, wifi, study hall, friendly, honors program, visual arts, diverse


Traffic Rank 1,108,696
In Links 217
Daily visitors 59
Daily Pageview 426


Daily ads revenue N/A
Yearly ads revenue $311.00
Worth $996.00

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