
dasturco.in Overview

Site Analysis report about dasturco.in. dasturco.in is rated 2,344,528 by Alexa. It is estimated to have 67 visitors every day. It's daily ads revenues are estimated to be $8.00.
Updated 4475 dayes ago.


Description DASTURCO, the first design and consultancy organisation manned entirely by Indians,that positioned India on the frontier of the world steel plant engineering map. The company offers integrated design and engineering consultancy services from concept to commissioning for a wide range of projects in the metallurgical and allied industries, mining, chemical, cement, power, environmental, infrastructure, and emerging technologies including software development and network design and engineering se
Keywords M. N. Dastur & Company (P) Ltd. (Dasturco), the first design and consultancy organisation manned entirely by Indians, that positioned India on the frontier of the world steel plant engineering map. Founded in 1955 by Dr. Minu Nariman Dastur - the pioneer in providing consulting engineering services in India. Offers integrated design and engineering consultancy services from concept to completion for a wide range of projects in the metallurgical and allied industries, mining, chemical, cement, power, environmental, infrastructure and emerging technologies including software development and network design and engineering services


Traffic Rank 2,344,528
In Links 2
Daily visitors 67
Daily Pageview 270


Daily ads revenue $8.00
Yearly ads revenue $3,153.00
Worth $10,091.00

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Search terms www.dasturco.in, mn dastur, impact engineering co. -mumbai, carbon consultancy
Additional terms вфыегксщюшт, цццювфыегксщюшт, вфыегксщ, dqsturco:in, zzz:dqsturco:in, dqsturco, גשדאורבםץןמ, '''ץגשדאורבםץןמ, גשדאורבם, يشسفعقؤخزهى, صصصزيشسفعقؤخزهى, يشسفعقؤخ

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