
Site Analysis report about is rated 2,379,274 by Alexa. It is estimated to have 37 visitors every day. It's daily ads revenues are estimated to be N/A.
Updated 4026 dayes ago.


Title Friends of Tuva
Description The Friends of Tuva is an informal group that traces its origin to a simple question innocently posed over dinner more than a decade ago by renown physicist, adventurer, and raconteur, Richard Feynman: Whatever Happened to Tannu Tuva? Many Tuvaphiles came by their interest in Tuva either via the numerous stamps issued in the first half of the twentieth century, via the unique music of the region, or via the interest shown in the region by legendary physicist Richard Feynman.
Keywords tuva, feynman, tuvan, friends, music, center, singing, kyzyl, journey, throat, richard, blues, genghis, russian, tuvans, ondar, khoomei, fot, mongolia, russia, kongar, ralph, leighton, tannu, asia, singers, overtone, kargyraa, sing, sound, vocal, sygyt, shamanism, shaman, shamans, steppe, centre, huun, huur, physics, singer, yurts, khomus, taiga, yurt, yaks, kuular, kaigal, khovalyg, overtones, pasadena, siberia, musicians, science, belic, turkic, ensemble, igil, yak, sayan, yenisei, harmonic, physicist, siberian, reindeer, wrestling, harmonics, nomads, herders, nomadic, mДnchen, caltech, shamanic, asian, eagle, genius, araka, nobel, tyva, hЖЖmei, herdsmen, challenger, doshpuluur, kazhyk, morin, shagaa


Traffic Rank 2,379,274
In Links 306
Daily visitors 37
Daily Pageview 60


Daily ads revenue N/A
Yearly ads revenue $43.00
Worth $140.00

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Search terms kongurei, what is science, 137, tar ou ola tannu, tuva, paul pena, overtone singing tongue teeth, feynman challenegr, feynmann what is science, rose parade ondar throat singing
Additional terms ащегмфющкп, цццюащегмфющкп, ащегмф, fotuvq:org, zzz:fotuvq:org, fotuvq, כםאוהשץםרע, '''ץכםאוהשץםרע, כםאוהש, بخفعرشزخقل, صصصزبخفعرشزخقل, بخفعرش

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