
lexmundi.com Overview

Site Analysis report about lexmundi.com. lexmundi.com is rated 847,155 by Alexa.
Updated 3955 dayes ago.


Title Lex Mundi - The Law Firms That Know Your Markets: The World's Leading Association of Independent Law Firms
Description Lex Mundi is the world�s leading association of independent law firms. Lex Mundi provides member firms and their clients with a trusted network of law firms that share similar values and a similar focus on quality through which they can access unparalleled global legal resources. The association has more than 160 leading member firms around the world, representing approximately 21,000 lawyers.
Keywords Find lawyers, find international lawyers, global law firm network, international law firm network, legal network, international law firm, global law firm, law firm alliance, corporate law, international lawyers, international law, international business lawyers, law firm association, cross-border transactions, multi-jurisdictional practice, corporate counsel, leading law firm, legal help, leading law firms, independent law firm, global law firm, law firm association, guides to doing business, tax guides, European law firms, European lawyers, Asia law firms, Asian lawyers, South American law firms, South American lawyers, US law firms, US lawyers


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