
ntu.org Overview

Site Analysis report about ntu.org. ntu.org is rated 175,038 by Alexa. It is estimated to have 787 visitors every day. It's daily ads revenues are estimated to be $6.00.
Updated 3932 dayes ago.


Title National Taxpayers Union
Description America's oldest grassroots taxpayer organization working for lower taxes, smaller government, accountability from public officials, and economic freedom at all levels by advocating reform of the tax code, less wasteful spending, the adoption of constitutional provisions -- such as TABOR, the BBA, and TLA -- and, implementation of programs to protect taxpayer rights.
Keywords National Taxpayers Union, National Tax payers Union, NTU, taxpayer, taxpayers, National Taxpayers Union Foundation, NTUF, spending, tax, taxes, income taxes, IRS, budget, Congress, pork, waste, wasteful spending, tax reform, tax code reform, flat tax, FairTax, Fair Tax, BBA, balanced budget, earmarks, who pays income taxes, top 1 percent, income tax refunds, congressional rating, congressional scorecard, taxpayer friend, taxpayer's friend, billtally, bill tally, votetally, vote tally, congressional pensions, congressional pay, TABOR, taxpayer bill of rights, ballot measures, corporate welfare, subsidies, property taxes, how to fight property taxes, tax savings report


Traffic Rank 175,038
In Links 1,250
Daily visitors 787
Daily Pageview 1,260


Daily ads revenue $6.00
Yearly ads revenue $2,354.00
Worth $7,535.00

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United States

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Graduate School
No College
Some College



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Search terms national taxpayers union foundation, ntu, taxes paid by income, national taxpayers union, supreme court justice salary, taxes paid by income level, ntu.org, do congressmen pay taxes, national income tax, us tax rate 1950's
Additional terms ntu.org, www.ntu.org, ntu, тегющкп, цццютегющкп, тег, ntu:org, zzz:ntu:org, ntu, מאוץםרע, '''ץמאוץםרע, מאו

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