
teripets.com Overview

Site Analysis report about teripets.com. teripets.com is rated 2,479,583 by Alexa. It is estimated to have 52 visitors every day. It's daily ads revenues are estimated to be $3,128.00.
Updated 4474 dayes ago.


Title TeriPets || Your Adventure Awaits
Description TeriPets is a wonderful virtual pet site that has wonderful artwork, tons of pets, and excellent features
Keywords teripets, teri, tp, tc, teripet, virtual pet site, virtualpetsite, vps, virtual pet game, vpg, chris, chris kirk, king, underground, under ground, teripets underground, tp underground, pet, pet site, pet game, virtual pet, virtual, flash, online, game, games, flash games, arcade games, grim, nocturne, diurnal, toxic, animal, pets, dragon, dog, cat, house, items, tc, tp, text, ttext, stock, stocks, potions


Traffic Rank 2,479,583
In Links 14
Daily visitors 52
Daily Pageview 1,627


Daily ads revenue $3,128.00
Yearly ads revenue $1,141,740.00
Worth $3,653,568.00

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Search terms terieets, teripets saro, terriawar, harry potter cabbit, teripets guide, tst potion, teristor définition, "adventure awaits", virtual pet site, applications for fansites
Additional terms еукшзуеыюсщь, цццюеукшзуеыюсщь, еукшзуеы, teripets:co,, zzz:teripets:co,, teripets, אקרןפקאדץבםצ, '''ץאקרןפקאדץבםצ, אקרןפקאד, فثقهحثفسزؤخة, صصصزفثقهحثفسزؤخة, فثقهحثفس

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